Published: March 07, 2019
Published: March 07, 2019

Modernizing a Chemistry Lab in a Czech Primary School

We recently updated the chemistry equipment at a primary school in the Czech Republic as part of community engagement grant. We believe all kids should have access to great equipment to encourage STEM careers. Our team of volunteers were thrilled to be part of this one!

The primary school is situated in Stupno, Czech Republic. Their chemistry department was using tools from the 70s and had so little equipment that students were unable to take part in experiments! With over 250 children attending the school (including the children of PPG employees from our site in Břasy), we wanted to give them a reason to continue to love their science lessons.

Bringing Chemistry into the 21st Century

Our team of volunteers donated exciting, interactive 21st century resources to the chemistry department. This included:

  • Two new interactive whiteboards

  • Ten chemistry laboratory sets

  • Six microscopes

  • A distillation set

  • A specialized student set for thermodynamic experiments

  • A large-scale periodic table

We also reinvigorated the lab with some of our refreshing PRIMALEX® paints to modernize the study area.

An Active, Engaging Education

Miroslav Joklik, PPG facility manager, Architectural Coatings, Břasy, brilliantly summed up why we organize community engagement projects such as this one.

One of our community engagement goals is to give students more opportunities to be actively engaged in the sciences, and to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to solve problems. This project is a great way to achieve our objectives. It also helps the school achieve its mission to make learning as hands-on and practical as possible.

Checking in with an Invitation

When our colleagues revisited the refurbished lab to meet the students and work with them during a chemistry class, they also had an exciting invitation for them. Soon students will visit the Břasy site to see chemistry at work. They will learn more about the role that science plays in coatings research, development, manufacturing and application! 


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