Published: September 27, 2018
Published: September 27, 2018

PPG Varossieau Supports Inspiring Cultural Art Program

We’ve been involved in an exciting art exchange project and have donated paint to be used at a Cultural Impulse Exhibition. George Struikelblok is a Surinamese artist and he has been working with HISTOREX™ paint by PPG since he was a student. His collaboration with our Varossieau site has grown and developed over the years, from when he was individual artist, to now, where he has setup his own art school, G-ART Bloc.

Surinamese & German Artists Collaborate

The Federation of Visual Artists (FVAS) in Suriname and G-ART Bloc, organized a fantastic art exchange project between Surinamese and German artists from Das Seewerk. This exhibition ‘Impulse’ was held at the Open Air Museum Nieuw in Amsterdam. We were thrilled to donate Historex paint and Progold items to the project. We also helped to decorate the open-air exhibition space.

This project began in 2016, when a number of extremely talented German artists were in Suriname for a large sculpture exhibition. After falling in love with Suriname and looking for a reason to return, the FVAS set up the exchange program.

After the Vice President of Suriname, Ashwin Adhin opened the Expo, the artists and the public were welcomed in and enjoyed the various cultural art work on display. There were eleven outstanding sculptures and a mix of 3D artwork and musical performances. George Struikelblok and his students say Historex< paints are of extremely high quality and are one of the best options on the market for their bright and clear quality.

All the work here is truly a meeting ground of German and Suriname cultures, simply exceptional!
Nuria Phang-Namysl, senior commercial manager, PPG Varossieau Suriname

Germany’s Next!

At the end of August, around 20 FVAS members travelled to Germany for the final part of the program. All the artists created collaborative art work that will be displayed in the city of Moers. Historex black and white paints have been used on the main sculpture ‘Victory’ at the Kulturinsel, a sculpture inspired by the indigenous peoples and Maroons of Suriname.


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