In 2017, employees across EMEA selected 22 Charity Partners that covered 14 different countries and more than 65 locations. Our employees volunteered more than 2,200 hours and sent $110,000 to the chosen organizations.
The Charity Partner program gives PPG employees at different sites the opportunity to nominate a local charity of its choice. Employees can then support the charity through donations, fundraising and volunteer activities throughout the year.
Here are some of the charitable activities that have happened in 2017!
Cycling from UK, Birstall to USA
Different business teams got on their bikes during November to raise funds for their Charity Partner, Prostate Cancer UK. For example, the Zone 5 team cycled a staggering 7,420 miles, which is the equivalent of cycling from the United Kingdom to Pittsburgh in USA and back! The team consisted of store staff, field staff, and customers who together raised an amazing £6,152. Topping their original target of £5,000! A special mention must go out to customer James from the Sandford decorating company; he recently recovered from prostate cancer and joined in on the group effort. He spent most of the week cycling at our Weston Super Mare store.
Extreme Abseil and Waxing in Birmingham, UK
Last year two members of the Birmingham team, David Clark and Kay O'Malley, took part in an extreme abseil off a building. Overcoming their fears, facing forward they made their descent down to raise money for the critical care ambulances at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. A fantastic £517.00 was raised! For the waxing fundraising event, John Rowland was preparing for his part in the Rocky Horror show and he needed to wax off his body hair. As he had to wax his body, he decided to do a good dead at the same time. Thanks to his colleagues, he raised £240 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
Christmas Bingo in Soborg, Denmark
In Soborg employees participated in a Christmas Bingo event in the canteen. The last two games were dedicated to their Charity Partner, Save the Children. This organization promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. Employees paid a certain amount per bingo strip to join the game, and they raised a total of $283.
Employees Upcycling in Rubí, Spain
In autumn our employees in Rubí decided to sell Halloween themed items, which they made in their free time out of recycled materials. These handmade items were sold to other colleagues on the site. Thanks to a great team effort, employees collected €257 for their Charity Partner, Pallapupas.
Find more examples of our Charity Partner fundraising events and the organizations we work with.