Published: April 05, 2017
Published: April 05, 2017
Dyrup Samples Available at IDEmøbler & ILVA!
Congratulations to the Dyrup team in Denmark who have clinched an exciting new collaborative deal with furniture chains IDEmøbler & ILVA!
When you're planning your next DIY or interior design project for your home it's often helpful to be able to visualise both the furniture and the colour scheme at the same time, now, thanks to the new cooperation between the stores and paint brand Dyrup, you can!
Insight drawn from the experience at both chains informed the decision join forces as customers have often asked for advice on colour matching the furniture they buy.
Not only are customers now able to see Dyrup colour samples from all IDEmøbler and ILVA stores, the brand receives further exposure in the ILVA catalogue newsletters and social media, so customers can easily can get the exact colour code used in the inspirational photos.