Published: February 19, 2017
Published: February 19, 2017

Multidisciplinary Team Breaks Down Barriers

For the past year, internal project group ‘Fit for Growth’ has been working hard on projects that ensure, as an organisation, we become fitter and remain fit in the future!

The aims of the projects are varied, from focus on revenue growth to streamlining processes or reducing costs but customer service is paramount to their vision.

We're also working hard within EMEA to ensure we breakdown barriers between teams, disciplines and territories.

A multi-disciplinary team has been formed to work on ‘Fit for Retail’, under the leadership of Raymond Mas, Marketing Manager Retail Benelux who had this to say:

Our achievement goals for ‘Fit for Retail’ match our ambition to offer a helping hand to our customers and to each other.
We have started by mapping which processes directly or indirectly concern our retail customers. We then determined which issues there were and which processes needed to be redefined and improved.

Raymond Mas, Marketing Manager Retail, Benelux

Ilse Goverts-van Kesteren, BPI Manager Demand, is part of the project group and has recently worked on the ‘Fit for Retail’ process improvement project.

With ‘Fit for Retail’, two things came together.

First of all, we were talking to our largest retail customers about how we could improve our service to them.

Secondly, during the interviews with various colleagues, points for improvement came to the fore for a better connection with our retail customers.

It came down to the fact that we need to get our foundation in order, so that there is then room to grow together with the customer.

Ilse Goverts-van Kesteren, BPI Manager Demand

The processes are already running better than ever as the teams who write processes also carry them out themselves to a large extent. Raymond also mentions:

What we’ve noticed is that now we understand each other’s situation better, we can have a better cooperation straight away!

As many processes are cross-departmental, these things also really need to be addressed together. This way you not only receive ideas from various angles but a basis for the solution is created straight away.

Great for everyone involved!

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