Published: February 08, 2017
Published: February 08, 2017

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Relationships are the Key to New Partnerships - Success for the EMEA Refinish Team!

Marketing and Influencers Development Director Arnaud Racape has earned commendation from PPG EMEA, who, along with France Market Director Bernard Lanne and his team have secured a five year partnership with Covéa AIS!

This is a major win that will substantially improve our bottom line in 2017 and beyond.
Bernard Lanne, Market Director, Refinish EMEA
Covéa AIS is the largest insurance company in France, and as part of the newly founded relationship, PPG’s NEXA AUTOCOLOR and MAX MEYER coatings are now available to Covéa’s extensive network of autobody repair and collision shops.

This network includes approximately 4,200 body shops across France and represents 25 percent of the French automobile insurance market.


Racape and his team went the extra mile to ensure the negotiations ran smoothly and efficiently and that both organisations came out with more than just a business deal.


Thanks to the deal struck, the PPG refinish team will also assist Covéa with the development and implementation of training modules for members of the Covéa body shop network, ingraining the ongoing relationship between our two companies.

The modules will be designed to support the growth and mastery of automotive repairs - we believe that the training will be extremely valuable to both companies, we'll keep you updated on training sessions and our involvement with Covéa as the relationship is sure to bloom over the coming five years and beyond.


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