Meet Annette Vraa, PPG shopper marketer and color stylist, Architectural Coatings, Denmark. Annette designs instore solutions for our customer-facing color departments in Scandinavia, as well as identifying color trends and working with the press.
A Colorful Career
With a background in clothing and design, Annette has an innate passion for color. Almost 12 years ago, she started her career with PPG working to deliver instore concepts for small independent retail stores.
Whether I’m combining colors to create different moods or simply assessing new innovative shades, working with colors is a truly fascinating experience.
Being a proud member of the Global Color Trend team, she plays a vital role in the Color of the Year selection process.
Choosing the 2020 Color of the Year
Annette and her fellow members of the Global Color Trend Team identified the Voice of Colour 2020 Color of the Year as ‘Chinese Porcelain’ at PPG’s Global Color Forecast Meeting in January. The team includes our most renowned color specialists, representing our Architectural, Industrial, Refinish, Automotive, Specialty and Packaging Coatings divisions.
The meeting focuses on upcoming trends from across each region of the globe. Discussions include, but are not limited to, color, design, consumer behaviors and unexpected anomalies.
From their findings, Annette and the team identify three common themes. Using magazines, fan decks, leaflets and other sources, they turn each theme into an individual mood board. As the boards develop, the Colour of the Year starts to appear.
From various media channels to fashion and interior fairs, inspiration is all around us! Personally, I’m a fan of the subtlety created by darker, more muted tones – they’re a fantastic interior design tool.
The 2020 Color of the Year is being communicated though PPG’s EMEA paint brands this month.
Chinese Porcelain (PPG1160-6) infuses the energy and brightness of cobalt blue with a deep, muted navy tone to create an attractive alternative to neutrals and grays. The shade connotes hopefulness and offers escapism from today’s technologically driven society.
Passion for Color Trends in Her Blood
Annette is a color enthusiast and is immensely proud to be working at PPG.
Receiving photos on social media from a customer saying what a positive difference one of our colors has made to their room really makes me proud.
She’s looking forward to new innovative trends in color selection both for homes and interiors.
I think Augmented Reality glasses will be the next big thing. Being able to visualize how colors will appear on your walls and the mood they create prior to painting will be revolutionary!