Published: May 22, 2017
Published: May 22, 2017

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Career Stories - Susan Clarkson

We’re proud to introduce the second video in our Career Stories video series which comes from Finance Transformation Director of EMEA, Susan Clarkson.

Susan describes how she's proving stereotypes wrong and that accountancy doesn’t have to be boring! There's also a wise words on managing your network, and advice to new starters. With 8 job titles and 13 managers in 16 years Susan still loves her work.

There's never a chance to get bored in PPG!

We gain a glimpse into Susan's personal life as she describes her family and the stress relieving benefits of Taekwondo! As a panelist at the UK launch of the WLC (Women’s Leadership Council), Susan is also eager to spread the word around the good work it carries out.

The WLC means a lot to me because I am a female manager and I’ve been given a lot of opportunities in PPG and I want all women to be afforded those same opportunities.

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