Published: July 11, 2017
Published: July 11, 2017

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The Art of Building Brand Awareness

You may remember Jana Magdová, Brand Marketing Manager from Slovakia when we highlighted her amazing artistry on the PPG People blog in April.

Well Jana has been putting her skills to good use as she introduced PPG Deco Slovakia to the "Our City" volunteer campaign. Her actions resulted in the galvanising of PPG's reputation, not to mention the increased awareness of the Balakryl brand to the DIY segment.

Jana went the Extra Mile by offering customers the products and services they really needed. She positioned the Balakryl products as perfect for use on fences, benches, tables, cabinets, chairs, exactly what this product is intended for. She also supported unity with the client, a Seniors and Social Services Home (a rest home for elderly) in Zilina, through joint team building with colleagues from PPG.

The client greatly appreciated the material assistance as well as the fact that PPG employees helped with their work to beautify outdoor wooden garden furniture for seniors. The rest home also plans to restore other outdoor areas - benches, gazebos and fences, and are resolute on the use of Balakryl products to carry out their activities thanks to the amazing results they've seen so far. PPG Deco Slovakia's employees have pledged to lend a hand in all future renovation projects too!

Partnering organisations and volunteers were invited to Balakryl retail shops where they could register and subscribe to the brand's newsletter. This activity helped to raise the awareness of the Balakryl brand and its products' features while attracting completely new customers.

It also meant that those who used the products at the event had the opportunity try them out on their own projects. Thanks to the activity, the sales of Balakryl products increased by around 10% in June 2017 compared to the same month of the previous year directly at our retailers in Žilina and Bratislava.

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