Health and Safety with The Crucial Crew in Stowmarket
PPG Stowmarket recently hosted The Mix, an event run by Mid Suffolk’s Crucial Crew! The event took place over a week and the Crew demonstrated health and safety procedures to a massive 920 year 6 pupils aged between 10 and 11.
Real life scenarios were played out in front of their eyes with the aim of raising awareness on a wide range of hazards, from fire safety and drug and alcohol awareness to sugar safety, Internet and stranger danger and first aid, all presented by professionals in their field.
PPG's First Aid and Site Emergency Responder Team members proudly supported the event by offering hands on experience with CPR skills and demonstrated how to make 999 calls explaining what information you give in the event of an emergency.
With the music of “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees playing out, student after student demonstrated what they needed to do to keep themselves safe, how to carry out effective CPR chest compressions and how to identify and apply a AED 'Defib' to a causality in need of immediate help.
Students were also challenged to explain their knowledge to apparent passersby and how to ask for help in an emergency situation.
The same presentation was given 112 times over the seven-day event and the energy that came from the students and their wiliness to learn kept on surprising and re-energising the team.
Everyone involved from the PPG team came away with the feeling that they had made such a difference to the students' ideas and perceptions of CPR skills. The event was an excellent opportunity to pass on life saving skills that we hope students will never have to use, but if they do, they will have the knowledge & confidence to make a difference.