Published: May 02, 2024
Published: May 02, 2024

Murat Ayvali: Empowering Abilities in the Sales Network

Overseeing 8 different stores in the Ile de France North region, our sales director Murat Ayvali reshapes how his teams collaborate. Additionally, as a disability referent, he endeavors to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for disabled individuals within our French points of sale network, Peintures de Paris (PDP), aiming to demonstrate that motivation and enthusiasm for work can go a longer way than any disability.

In Pursuit of a Challenge

While Murat’s PPG career only started in 2022, he has already made a positive impact on how the PDP teams collaborate and create an inclusive environment.

"I oversee 8 PDP stores out of the 27 we have in the Paris region. I manage my team, ensuring their safety, well-being and healthy collaboration. My role is to coordinate, structure, and support my teams so that we can collectively achieve our goal."

Murat explains that what he enjoys most is the relationships with all the teams he works with and the trust between them. In a short time, he has fostered a high level of collaboration.

In the beginning, many people were solely focused on their own store and clients, saying, 'it's my client, it's my store.' We sometimes forgot to acknowledge that it's our client, our stores. I've implemented a collective thinking approach of working together and helping each other.

Disability Referent: A Mission with Purpose

Murat had the opportunity to work with two individuals with disabilities in his previous job. One of them was mute and the other one was deaf, prompting Murat to learn the basics of sign language to communicate with them.

"I learned a great deal from these people. When the topic arose, I took the initiative to create a supportive, inclusive environment for colleagues with disabilities within our company."

Murat pursued various training opportunities and began holding meetings with his colleagues to raise awareness about disability. Eventually, he assumed the role of disability referent—a person employees with a disability can confidently approach directly, without needing to first contact a manager.

The first employee recruited thanks to Murat's efforts is Moaze Lengliz, shop assistant in PDP Argenteuil. Murat describes him as a cheerful, smiling colleague.

We ensured Moaze felt a sense of belonging. We adjusted his responsibilities to match his current skills, and he continues to make progress.

Murat confirms that witnessing Moaze's positive and motivated demeanor has caused the team to reflect on their own complaints and, on occasions, even feel humbled.


Raising Awareness to See the Invisible

To demonstrate to his colleagues that they are part of a company that supports and provides opportunities for everyone, Murat initiated various activities, including the first DuoDay in 2023.

"During this event, we provide a space where individuals with disabilities, regardless of their condition or location, whether currently employed or not, can explore job options suited to them."

Another initiative organized in France was a virtual reality workshop. By wearing a headset, employees got to experience different types of disabilities, particularly those that may not be visible externally.

The goal of these initiatives is to encourage employees to embrace their colleagues and to facilitate more frequent recruitment of individuals with disabilities, because "we want them to understand that if they have the skills, desire, and motivation – we set aside any considerations about disability."

Murat is looking forward to a future where employees will feel comfortable discussing their limitations openly.

Eighty percent of disabilities are invisible. If we don't address them, no one will know. I've taken on the responsibility to listen to these people, support them, and provide assistance.

Currently, employees across all levels, from managers to assistants in the French points of sale, are educated and trained to give a sense of belonging to colleagues who may have a disability, but also a strong inner drive to succeed.


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