Published: May 28, 2018
Published: May 28, 2018

PPG’s Green Activities Helped Support Earth Day

Our colleagues from EMEA were involved in some great activities to raise awareness for Earth Day. They all had a collective aim towards building a sustainable planet. From cycling to cleaning, employees focused their efforts on making a difference in the workplace.

Greece Cycling Team Peddles to Create a Sustainable Future

On Sunday April 28th, our fantastic colleagues in Greece took part in a cycling event called ‘Round of Athens’. This is one of the most famous cycling events in Greece, where hundreds of people attend from cycling enthusiasts to professional athletes. Our cycling team called ‘PPG International Cycling Club’ consisted of staff from our Refinish and PMC coatings plant in Greece.

The event took place in Athens and the team cycled an amazing 15km to raise awareness about eco-friendly methods of transportation. They wanted to encourage and motivate other members of staff to walk, cycle or run to work to reduce Co2 emissions and protect the environment. This occasion was dedicated to International Earth Day which supports eco-transportation and helps create a clean environment.


PPG’s Relaxing Pallet Lounge in Algeria

Staff from the PPG office in Algeria, North Africa, attended the yearly BATIMATEC exhibition, to cement their reputation in the construction industry and showcase their new products. This year the event took place from 22nd to 26th of April. The PPG marketing department created a green sustainable stall. The theme for this year came from the idea to recycle unused painted pallets.
We created a lounge made from pallets for our customers and visitors to enjoy while visiting the show. We also wanted to show that it’s possible to make fantastic furniture using recycled items. We are honored that this small project has increased environmental awareness.
Nassiba Hebbache, marketing manager, Algeria

In order to create this environmentally sustainable lounge, our staff used Elyopur Laque enamel, which is a new indoor Architecture Coating by PPG Seigneurie. This environmentally friendly product has the highest rating available for indoor air quality. The paint has very low levels of emissions, little odor and is solvent-free.

Each human breathes approx. 8,000 to 16,000 liters of air every day, so it is important to ensure that the air we breathe is as clean as possible.

Keep Calm and Clean in Italy

On the 23rd of April 2018, our Italian employees working at the Lainate site near Milan, took part in the ‘Keep Calm and Clean’ initiative. Monica Galea, Executive Sales Assistant, organized this eco-friendly project and around 20 people got involved in the cleaning. This initiative aimed to raise workplace awareness about supporting the environment in a sustainable way. The main focus was about respecting the environment, reducing waste and recycling.

The Automotive Refinish sales staff worked tirelessly cleaning desks, computers and office phones to ensure the Lainate site offices looked sparkling. They also got involved in recycling any office waste. This green project was won by the marketing team, whose office looked very tidy.

Contributing to small initiatives helps create a strong environmental message. We need to start educating our people on sustainability at work and in daily life, in order to save our wonderful world.
Silla Giusti, refinish market director, Italy

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